Enqo Corp Subprocessors

Enqo Corp (or its corporate affiliates) engage third-party subprocessors and Enqo Corp affiliates to help us provide services to our customers. A subprocessor is a third-party processor engaged by Enqo Corp or in some cases, an Enqo Corp affiliate, who receives data from Enqo Corp and processes Personal Data on behalf of our Users (each, a “ Subprocessor”).

This page provides important information about the identity, location and role of each Subprocessor. Terms used on this page but not defined have the meaning set forth in the User Terms of Service (or if applicable, the superseding written agreement between User and Enqo Corp or a Enqo Corp corporate affiliate(s)) (the " Agreement").

We ensure that the recipient of our User’s Personal Data offers an adequate level of protection, for instance by entering into the appropriate data processing agreements and, if required, standard contractual clauses for the transfer of data as approved by the European Commission (Art. 46 General Data Protection Regulation).

Third-Party Subprocessors

Entity NameNature and Purpose of ProcessingEntity Country

Hetzner Online, GmbH

Hosting provider


Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Storage system provider

United States

Sendinblue, JSC

Email service provider

• France

• Belgium

Google, LLC

Event logging for analytics


Amplitude, Inc.

Event logging for analytics



As our business grows and evolves, the Subprocessors we engage may also change. We will endeavor to provide the owner of User’s account with notice of any new Subprocessors to the extent required under the Agreement, along with posting such updates here. Please check back frequently for updates.