Enqo - Combine chat simplicity with task-tracking organization | Product Hunt
The chat-first tooldesigned for omnidimensionalcollaboration
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All-around Messaging
Enqo is a chat-focused suite for seamless collaboration.
Integrated messenger streamlines projects, tasks, and threads, providing a messenger-like experience for reduced duplication and efficient engagement.
Bring teams together, controlling access to a specific task.
Task Meets
Manage tasks like chats, worry-free, keeping everything important in one place.
Mark task
Never lose key task details —mark them as results in chat.
Why Enqo is great for you
Every ask becomes a task.
Keep texting!
Every file you attach anywhere will be stored safely.
Keep storing!
Arrange your links and share access without asking emails.
Keep sharing!
Top use cases
Provide services

Create projects with each of your customer and navigate using chat or dashboard

Let customers see behind the curtain with Access Control to minimize sync calls and status updates

Assemble an on-demand team

Easily assemble a freelance team for your project

Simply onboard new members or whole teams with the best track record

Enjoy flexible and simple access management

Coming soon
Run community driven startups

Kickstart a project with your community members

Create a public project profile and engage your community

Run public roadmaps synced with your Kanban tasks

How Enqo improves work?
Chat-FirstTask BoardAccess ControlFiles storageLink board
Combine the simplicity of chat with the organization of task tracking.
Ready for Next-Level
Join the future of team communication and task tracking.